Hey Jakub in my opinion I think the best solution (most efficient) would be to not allow touches on any child objects at all.
I would set something up like so. I used the arrows to show z order where stage is lowest depth order.
-> stage
-----> container (some sprite container that is holding all your child objects to swipe through. set touchable to no on this container.)
----------> (all your child objects added to container, touchable no.)
-----> touch area (some sprite that will be your swipe/touch area with touchable yes. added above your container.)
I would then just use the touch area to handle all your touch events. So if its a swipe then position your container. If its a touch use hitTestPoint to determine what child in the container was touched. Remember to convert your touch point and child objects to equal coordinate space when testing hitTestPoint. I would just do relative to stage. You could even manage what child objects are visible in the touch area while the container scrolls so you are only doing a hit test point against visible children.
There has to be some examples similar to this around somewhere. Like in Flash, Starling, or even Cocos2D.
Anyways, thats how I would do it.