So, I have a very strange bug I just across today in my game. I am really hoping someone may have some insight on this or may have experienced something similar when building for ad-hoc.
The really annoying this is, it only happens when I create an ad-hoc build. If I run my game from XCode in development mode everything is fine.
The bug that happens is affecting the positioning of game objects that move in my game. My game objects move using A-Star, but as soon as they start moving they jump off screen. The game is rendering fine. I see all my graphics and I see the characters animating as they move. They just fly way off screen to some other position.
The bug is consistent on my iPad Mini, iPhone4, and my friends iPad 2 and iPhone 4. I've installed my ipa using both Test Flight and iTunes. It seems like something is getting messed up when building to ad-hoc, but I have no idea what it could be.
The only thing I can think of doing is creating a new Barebone project and merging all my files into it and seeing if that fixes it. The only thing new I've implemented since my last ad-hoc build has been Core Data as well as the animations for my characters. However, I can't see that screwing up positioning of my gameobjects.
Any help or insight is much appreciated. Thanks!