Not per default, but you should be able to add that functionality by subclassing SPMovieClip.
The method that is called to find out if an object is hit is "hitTestPoint:". Here is an implementation that does what you want.
- (SPDisplayObject*)hitTestPoint:(SPPoint*)localPoint
// invisible or untouchable objects must cause the hit test to fail.
if (!self.visible || !self.touchable)
return nil;
SPTexture *texture = self.texture;
SPRectangle *frame = texture.frame;
SPRectangle *hitArea = [[SPRectangle alloc]
initWithX:-frame.x y:-frame.y width:texture.width height:texture.height];
if ([hitArea containsPoint:localPoint]) return self;
else return nil;
You can create a subclass of "SPMovieClip" and override the method as shown above. I hope that helps! 🙂