What version of Sparrow are you using?
- Is it Sparrow or Sparrow-S?
If it's Sparrow, not Sparrow-S:
Is it a version older than Sparrow 2.0? (Sparrow 1.4, ect)
Is it the official zip download of Sparrow 2.0?
Is it the official zip download of Sparrow 2.0.1?
Is it the latest version in the github Master branch?
Is it the latest version in the github Stable branch? (I assume that'd be the same as the official zip download of Sparrow 2.0.1)
If other, please describe.
Another question: Is your project itself, using ARC or MRC?
The reason I ask this, is because this crash could be due to the switch from ARC to MRC, which I haven't tested yet because I still am using Sparrow 2.0.
In more detail, I assume the crash is due to the SPQuad being released from the memory, but (SPTouch instance).target is never nilled, which would cause a bad access crash when attempting to reference the target.
Since I still have Sparrow 2.0 and I am not sure what version you have, I can't confirm where the bug is, but I assume you can prevent the crash by changing your design structure a bit. May I see the full code in the touch event method?