I just got rejected on the app store because my iphone-only app looked cropped when run on an ipad. Digging into this problem, it seems to be rooted pretty deeply into the sparrow renderer. Since I have a hard time understanding how the renderer works I haven't been able to find the bug unfortunately. Perhaps Daniel or someone else who's very familiar with sparrow can take a look?
Here's how to recreate the bug (for example):
Take the barebones project, go to target -> General -> devices, set to "iPhone"
Put the following code in Game.m:
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
SPQuad *q = [SPQuad quadWithWidth:1000 height:1000 color: 0xff+i*12345];
q.x = i*10;
q.y = i*10;
[self addChild:q];
- Run the app on an iPad or the ipad simulator. For me, the outer rectangles are cropped. The visible screen size is either 640x920 (portrait) or 960x600 (landscape).
Note: this is on xCode5, iOS7 ipad & simulator. Not sure if this happens on other configurations.