The good news (in my eyes) is that as far as I can tell, this isn't an inherent Sparrow failing, it is simply 2 things:
1) Visibility... anytime anyone out there on the interwebs asks "what 2d engine should I use for iOS" noone is saying "Sparrow". That is surely because all of us are just not vocal enough.
2) Lack of tutorials, people just wanna be walked through step by step getting up and running. Steffen posted some infographics a week or two ago, and I noted that whilst ALL OTHER engines suffered a drop in searches since the release of SpriteKit, Sparrow searches actually INCREASED.
This was from Stackoverflow. Basically what this means is that increasing numbers of folks are searching stackoverflow for "sparrow tutorial" and finding nothing.
This needs to change 🙂
This is what I break it down to in my head: cocos2d is too complicated, SpriteKit is too limited... ENTER SPARROW!
Also, I am REALLY interested that there have been more than one posts HERE lately from folks who STARTED on Starling, and have migrated to Sparrow. Why would this be? I dunno, 'cos I would have thought it would be the other way around (for cross platform abilities) but it's not the case.
Anyways, some food for thoughts lol.