Let's discuss GAF!
As you probably know there's a new tool for games and apps developers appeared.
I'm really inspired and excited.
- Created a project on the site.
- only Starling appears to be here. No Sparrow. But as I thought Starling and Sparrow should accept atlases in similar manner. going further. There's still a note in FAQ: "Currently we support Cocos2d, Cocos2d-x, Unity3D (including NGUI), Starling. Marmalade and Corona will be supported by the end of 2013."
- created a small swf preview. There are tweens, color changes, alphas, masks. No blurs or any other effects for now.
- swf uploaded to the site. http://gafmedia.com/converter/files/source/7cbee583692afb0187c73f1721c7bf12-SWFtest.swf
- I can download GAF now. First of all it's not like separated file but ZIP with JSON and 2 similar pictures (different resolutions). There are only 2 sprites on these atlases. Really good. I was expecting something else because of masks.
ok. I would love to test in with Sparrow. Is it possible? For me this format looks unusual.
Let's share our experience with that new tool!
>> for some reason. this site uses like 100% CPU in Opera. probably need another browser for that.