I just had my first Sparrow games approved today in the app store! (Just in time for Christmas!) 🙂
I say games, but really its 2 similar versions of the same game.
The free version (Red Star Blue Star) is at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/red-star-blue-star/id782282432?ls=1&mt=8
The paid version (Red Star Blue Star Pro), is ad free and has slightly enhanced game play. It is at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/red-star-blue-star-pro/id782291012?ls=1&mt=8
Thank you in advance for your support and feedback. (There are a few issues that I will be addressing early in the new year).
And most of all - thank you for Sparrow! I could not have made these without this great framework!