Hey everyone I'm getting a bad access in SPEventListener.m initWithTarget.
Tested Devices:
iPhone 4 with iOS 6
iPad Mini with iOS 7
screen shot of stack trace
I'm testing on the very latest from Master in which I pulled a few days ago.
I tested on both 2.0 and 2.0.1 and the crash doesn't occur.
It does occur on Sparrow S and latest Master.
Any ideas why this could be?
- (instancetype)initWithTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector
__block id weakTarget = target;
return [self initWithTarget:target selector:selector block:^(SPEvent *event)
objc_msgSend(weakTarget, selector, event);//EXC_BAD_ACCESS
The crash occurs when my game screen is exited and torn down via my player colliding with a game object that will cause the game to end.
If I just exit the game via SPButtonTouch I never see the crash.
I'll spend some more time looking into the crash and keep you posted.
I also want to say I am really happy with Sparrow and MRC. This game would not be possible with out it. I was making a long decision to switch to Cocos2D-x until I came across Rob's post with Sparrow S and MRC. So I gave it a whirl and I now I regret even thinking about switching!
My FPS literally went from averaging 25fps to now running closer to 60fps. And thats on iPhone 4.
So thank you all for your hard work in making Sparrow great!