I created a motion blur effect awhile ago for Sparrow 1.1, by alternating between two SPRenderTextures. (See http://wiki.sparrow-framework.org/users/shilo/extensions/shmotionblursprite)
I recently updated the extension for Sparrow 2.0. You can find it here: https://gist.github.com/Shilo/8265850
The above solution isn't perfect, because drawing the objects into the render textures does not alpha blend properly with each other, so crossing blur trails will not look quite right. The performance may also show a drop in frame rate.
What I think would be a great solution is to use GLSL shaders to create a motion blur effect. Unfortunately, Sparrow doesn't have shader/filter support out of the box yet, but there are other forks of Sparrow 2.0 that support shaders, such as Sparrow-S and my fork which combines the latest Sparrow git changes with Sparrow-S filters only.
Anyone know of any good GLSL shader examples for creating a OpenGL ES 2.0 2D motion blur (trails)?