Good, now when I re-present the view controller it shows the textures without black parts, in my test project and in my app.
My app still throws "Sparrow failed to make complete framebuffer object" and "There was an OpenGL error: GL_INVALID_ENUM" when reloading the controller, and display objects do not change when I move-scale-remove-add them to the display tree.
It still crashes when I change page of my book even in the first run (i.e. removing some display objects and adding new ones, it didn't with sparrow 2.0.1), with this error
When the vc is reloaded and printing those OpenGL errors, the app doesn't crash when i change page (but also keeps stuck in the first page without any animation).
I think this might be caused by using multiple textures while in the test project i load just one, so it doesn't crash.
I will try to load more textures also in the test project and see what happens.
This is strange because when I "change page" i basically just removeAllChildren: from my game class, load the new page (a SPSprite filled with content), addChild: to present the new page, and reading the errors it seems something's wrong with quad batches.
Thank you again!