[Crossing "Swift" from list of potential names for Gamua frameworks.] 😉
I just skimmed through the documentation of Swift, and boy, is it beautiful. Mark my words: soon, nobody will use Objective-C any more. Swift is modern and concise, uses ARC instead of a damned garbage collector and has a beautiful syntax.
Performance-wise, I can't anything yet, and I honestly do not trust Apple's marketing speak in that respect any longer. 😉
In any case: exactly one year after Sprite Kit, Apple forces me again to re-evaluate what to do with Sparrow!
As far as I understand it, you can use any Objective-C API already with Swift, so at least Sparrow users should potentially be able to use it already. (I hope that's really true! Does anyone know more about this?)
But the main feature of Sparrow (compared to SK) is that it's open source; and my believe is that an OS framework should be as easy to understand as possible; and this would almost beg for it being written in Swift.
So, in the best of all worlds, I'd simply port it over. At the same time, I could maybe exchange OpenGL with "Metal", and have a super-fast open source framework that has strong USPs compared to other OS frameworks. (Well, except for Sprite Kit.)
But doing this would require some revenue model for this new version. I can't spend so much time on it without earning some money to live on! So I'm not sure if that's possible. We'd need
(1) something that makes Sparrow more interesting for developers than Sprite Kit and
(2) enough developers being willing to pay something for that.
I'm open for your thoughts on this, as always! 🙂
@BiggerPlay: I think it's not so much about the speed of execution (I'm still not convinced it's really faster than Obj-C), but more speed of development. The syntax is very concise and simplifies things that are rather tedious to do in Objective-C.