Ok I've done my first commit (it's been a long time coming) I still need to do a writeup, additions etc but the longer I sit on it the more stale it will become.
It's a C++ Tiled (http://www.mapeditor.org) Library of sorts, I'm trying to make it as platform independent as possible hence why it's fragmented as it is.
The current commit should work with sparrow as that's what I've been using it with.
Everything in source is all you need for the thing itself, and you'll need the files in Integration for the Sparrow bridge.
There are lots of known issues, as in it only renders correctly from one Texture as there's no code yet to fragment the batch, this is all to do but I wanted to get thoughts / suggestions now rather than later.
I should do a proper write up on the wiki rather than here but that's going to take me a few hours / day or so.
The bridge needs cleaning up as the parser was initially offline and was easier to deal with but is a pain for quick testing.
More to come.
TileMap *tiledMap;
tiledMap = [TiledMap initWithContentsOfFile:@"map.tmx"];
tileMap.x = 0;
tileMap.y = 0;
[self addChild:tileMap];
and change the x and y values accordingly.