Hi Im not sure I know exactly what you mean, but make sure your texture atlas is named correctly i.e.
Atlas@2x.png and
also make sure you have the correct image path set in your xml file
<TextureAtlas imagePath='atlas@2x.png'>
and make sure you have the following code in your AppDelegate
[_viewController startWithRoot:[Game class] supportHighResolutions:YES doubleOnPad:YES];
Also check the obvious things like
myButton.visible = YES;
my Button.alpha = 1.0f
When you say reducing the x and y by half I assume you mean the positioning of the text, could it be that they're not showing up because they are off the screen in one of the orientations ? Another improvement in Sparrow 2.0 is that when the screen rotates the coordinate system is now always x,0 y,0 top left corner regardless of the device orientation, in the Sparrow 1.3 scaffold it would rotate the whole stage meaning that although x,0 y,0 would be the top left corner in portrait, in landscape the top left corner of the screen would be x = -80 and y = 80, if memory serves me correctly.
I rewrote my scaffold to keep 0,0 at the top left corner regardless of orientation, but now Sparrow 2.0 does that for you, again much cleaner and simpler. Could it be that your old code's object positioning, followed the old -80,80 landscape system ?
Also make sure your adding your buttons ect to game or a child of game, I can't remember if it makes any difference but game is now an instance of SPSprite not SPStage and make sure if your buttons are contained in another SPSprite for example your class "menuScreen" that, that class is positioned correctly.
And don't forget to use the iPhone 3g coordinate dimensions i.e. myButton.x = 200 automatically scales up to 400 on iPhone 4 and 800 on iPad retina