Hi all,
Last year me and a couple of friends worked on porting Sparrow to C#. We managed to port most of the API, took some ideas from Starling (and some of our own) and we're really happy with the result. It builds on iOS, Android and Windows and the performance on all platforms is great.
We ported the Sparrow benchmark, and here are our results:
iPhone 5 @60fps 25% 11240 objects
iPhone 5 @30fps 25% 22860 objects
iPhone 5 @60fps 100% 9120 objects
iPhone 5 @30fps 100% 22860 objects
iPod 4 @30fps 100% 2080 objects
iPod 4 @60fps 100% 1020 objects
If anyone is interested in checking it out it's available at https://github.com/fmotagarcia/sparrow-sharp