Hi all Im having problems with Multiple Duplicate interface and redefinition errors in my Sparrow project, All was working fine until recently I hadn't complied the project in a while and changed some code and now I recompiled the project and got these errors . Initially there was just a couple of errors things like "definition of objects prohibited in structs" but when I tried to delete the offending struct the error would still be there hovering over empty space, upon recompiling the deleted code reappeared, not sure whats going on there but I assumed Xcode was breaking something again.
So I deleted the derived data and I got the multiple Duplicate errors, the error seems to be pointed to classes I haven't touched so not sure whats going on, the classes implicated in each instance seem to follow this pattern
In QPMaths Class in Sparrow 2.1
@interface QPMaths : NSObject
Duplicate interface definition for class 'QPMaths'
in my project prefix.pch in MyGame
#import <Sparrow/Sparrow.h>
In file included from /Users/gareth/Work/Games/MyGame/iphone/MyGame/src/App-Prefix.pch:9:
in Sparrow.h in Sparrow 2.1
#import "QPTitle.h"
In file included from /Users/gareth/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyGame-fajqfajkgxdoiognjinbvraiwqjq/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Sparrow.framework/Headers/Sparrow.h:85:
in QPTitle.h in Sparrow 2.1
#import "QPSprite.h"
In file included from /Users/gareth/Work/Games/Sparrow/Sparrow-Framework-v2.1/sparrow/src/Classes/QPFramework/interface/QPTitle.h:26:
in QPSprite.h in Sparrow 2.1
#import "QPMaths.h"
In file included from /Users/gareth/Work/Games/Sparrow/Sparrow-Framework-v2.1/sparrow/src/Classes/QPFramework/base classes/QPSprite.h:10:
In QPMaths Class in Sparrow 2.1
@interface QPMaths : NSObject
Previous definition is here
Ive changed a couple of my classes in Sparrow since the last successful compile but not QPTitle and QPSprite and these 2 classes seem to come up time and time again, But most of the changes have been in MyGame. However I have another project which links to the same version of the sparrow framework and that compiles fine so Im at a loss any help greatly appreciated